Friday, June 12, 2015

Bratislava Airport Taxi advices

Getting ready for a business trip

The work of a businessman brings along frequent business trips on which new deals are concluded. Along with planning the business trip, arranging flight tickets, reserving transport from the airport and packing the luggage he has to manage and give instructions to the subordinates so that everything goes smoothly also during his absence at work. In the following lines we will give advice on how to use time in the most effective way and how to minimize stress before the business trip.

vienna airport bratislava taxi

Systematic preparation

If the businessman travels regularly, he should have all the necessary things prepared always at hand. Everybody has his/her own private repertoire of the basic articles without which he/she would simply not make it. The so called checkpoint friendly bag is very popular in which you have a place designed for your laptop in order to speed the airport control as much as possible. You can circumvent the traditional security control by registering in frequent flyer programmes (Global Entry) that secure prior approval of the entry on board for the travellers. Do not forget to check the data limitations of your mobile operator before the trip in relation to your travel. Should you require also presentation material for your business trip which you cannot take with you, let it be sent in special packaging in due time before your trip.

Perfect timing

It is publicly known about the businessmen that they are good at planning, timing, stress handling, motivating (themselves as well as others), anticipating. The fact that they can assess people with whom it is worth working with belongs also among their strengths. Bratislava Airport Taxi has been offering professional transport services since 1995. During this period we became popular among prestigious hotels, corporations, foreign guests, entrepreneurs, but also individuals and tourists. We secure reliable transport from Vienna to Bratislava, transport from Budapest to Bratislava, transport from Prague to Bratislava, (both directions). The costs are rational and the trip extremely comfortable. You can find modern cars in our car fleet, also a 24-hour service is at your disposal as well as professional drivers who will pick the client up directly at the airport in the agreed time. If you search for a really reliable partner, use the services of Bratislava Airport Taxi.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Diese Art des Verkehrs werden Sie gleich lieben lernen

Dieser Alptraum, vor der Reise ins Ausland betrifft vielleicht jeden von uns. Den Wecker haben sie nicht gehört, Ihr Auto ist noch beim Kundendienst, ein Taxi ist nicht zu bekommen und so verpassen Sie entweder den Flug oder erreichen es nur sehr knapp im besten Fall. Ein Grund mehr, warum es sich lohnt, vorwärts zu denken.

Die Arbeitsauslandsreise, wie z.B. der Transfer Wien Bratislava betrifft schon lange nicht mehr nur Angestellte und Manager von multinationalen Unternehmen. Ganz im Gegenteil. Die Zahl der Menschen, die jährlich an internationalen Kongressen, Seminaren und Messen teilnehmen, sowie der Anteil an Verträgen mit Geschäftspartnern die außerhalb von Ihrem Wohnsitz geschlossen werden, erhöhen sich fortlaufend. Wenn Ihnen das bekannt vorkommt, dann wissen Sie auch, dass es in solchen Fällen wichtig ist, sich über jedes Detail Gedanken zu machen. Dazu zählt auch der Transport.

Die bequeme Lösung ohne Risiko

Wenn für Sie die Reise mit Ihrem eigenen Auto, oder mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln zu unbequem ist und Sie bereits schlechte Erfahrungen gesammelt haben in letzter Minute ein Taxi zu bekommen, kennen wir noch eine andere Lösung. „Flughafen-Taxis“ sind in letzter Zeit sehr populär geworden, d.h. ein Transfer wo sie an einer bereits vorher vereinbarten Stelle und Uhrzeit abgeholt direkt an Ihren Bestimmungsort gebracht werden. Einer der zufriedenen Kunden ist auch der Manager Juraj, der sich vor jeder Dienstreise die Frage stellte wie man zuverlässig und schnell von Bratislava zum Flughafen Wien gelangen kann. „Reisen ins Ausland sind, in meinem Fall eine Routine. Stress zusammenhängend mit der rechtzeitigen Ankunft am Check-in habe ich regelmäßig erlebt, aber nun zum Glück ist es vorbei. Zum Transfer nutze ich immer den Spitzenflughafentransport auf der Basis des Taxis auf der Trasse Bratislava – Wien und kann mich nicht beklagen.“

Warum ist diese Art des Transportes immer beliebter?

Nicht nur der Transfer vom Flughafen in Wien nach Bratislava, sondern auch der zu weiter entfernten Orten bringt erhebliche Vorteile. Der Preis ist hierbei unvergleichlich niedrig im Gegensatz zur Nutzung regulärer Taxis die am Flughafen stehen und kann außerdem elektronisch bestellt werden.
Sie müssen sich keine Gedanken über Parkmöglichkeiten, Müdigkeit am Steuer oder Benzinpreise machen. Bei Transport mehrerer Personen stehen auch Großraumfahrzeuge, bzw. ein Kleinbus oder Bus zur Verfügung.

Wenn Sie sich in Zukunft wieder überlegen, wie komme ich von Bratislava nach Wien, dann erinnern Sie sich an unseren Artikel. Sie werden sehen, wie schnell und effektiv man unnötige Sorgen loswerden kann mit dem Maximum an Komfort, Sicherheit und Diskretion.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Bratislava Airport Taxi radí

Príprava na pracovnú cestu

Práca biznismena obnáša aj časté služobné cesty, na ktorých uzatvára nové obchody. Popri plánovaní pracovnej cesty, vybavovaní letenky, rezervácie transportu z letiska a balení batožiny, musí ešte stihnúť zadať pokyny svojim podriadeným, aby všetko fungovalo aj v čase jeho neprítomnosti. V ďalších riadkoch si povieme ako čo najefektívnejšie využiť čas a minimalizovať zaťaženie pred pracovnou cestou.

pracovna cesta taxikom

Systematická príprava

Ak biznismen cestuje pravidelne, mal by mať vždy pripravené všetky nevyhnutné veci. Každý má svoj súkromný repertoár základných vecí, bez ktorých by to nebolo ono. Veľmi obľúbená je tzv. checkpoint friendly taška, kde máte vyhradené samostatné miesto na laptop, aby sa urýchlila kontrola na letisku. Tradičnú bezpečnostnú kontrolu môžete obísť tak, že sa zaregistrujete do frekventovaných leteckých programov (Global Entry), ktoré schvaľujú cestujúcim vstup na palubu lietadla vopred. Nezabudnite si pred cestou skontrolovať dátové obmedzenia mobilného operátora v súvislosti s cestovaním. Ak potrebujte mať na pracovnom stretnutí prezentačný materiál, ktorý si nedokážete zobrať so sebou, nechajte si ho poslať v zvláštnom balení v dostatočnom predstihu pred cestou.

Perfektné načasovanie

O biznismenoch sa vie, že vedia dobre plánovať, časovať, zvládať stres, motivovať (seba aj iných), predvídať. Medzi ich prednosti patrí i to, že dokážu odhadnúť ľudí, s ktorými sa oplatí pracovať. Bratislava Airport Taxi ponúka profesionálne prepravné služby od roku 1995. Obľúbili si nás prestížne hotely, korporácie, zahraniční hostia, podnikatelia, ale aj jednotlivci a turisti. Zabezpečujeme spoľahlivý transport Viedeň Bratislava, transport Budapesť Bratislava, transport Praha Bratislava, (v oboch smeroch). Náklady sú primerané a cesta mimoriadne pohodlná. V našom vozovom parku nájdete moderné vozidlá, k dispozícií je tiež 24-hodinový servis a profesionálni vodiči, ktorí vyzdvihnú klienta priamo na letisku v dohodnutom čase. Ak hľadáte skutočne spoľahlivého partnera, využite služby spoločnosti Bratislava Airport Taxi.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

When choosing a taxi service

Stanka Hricová the famous photographer told: „When choosing a taxi service references are my priority.“

Stanislava Hricová the fashion photographer is well known (not only) in Slovakia thanks to her photographic art. There are more than fifty cover pages of magazines on her account, beautiful photos in five cookbooks-bestsellers and she makes photos regularly of the most famous Slovak celebrities, including singer Mária Čírová, actress Zuzka Fialová or speaker Martin „Pyco“ Rausch. It is no wonder that the work experience, the unique work style as well as her inherent talent classified her within the Slovak photographic elite.

stanka hricova

Stanka is an artist who devotes herself body and soul to art and her biggest hobby is, except photography, also travelling. Except our capital city this native of Banská Bystrica has experienced also life in Ukraine, Greece and currently she lives together with her boyfriend in Switzerland. However, due to work duties and family connections she travels regularly to Slovakia, while using taxi as transportation means from/to the airport very often. Due to this we asked her a few thematic questions.

Stanka you use taxi services quite often with respect to your work and current residence. What is your priority when choosing a taxi service?

I have to admit that it is the reference that matters the most to me. But nowadays this is the case nearly in every field of work. I also acquire a lot of clients based on references. Taking care about the customer should not be underestimated and one should particularly not forget that a bad promotion is spread much faster than the good one. (laughter)
What is important to you when choosing a taxi service?

It is clearly the quality service, ACCURACY, comfort and of course, the price. It is inadmissible that I sit in a taxi cab that smells with cigarette smoke and I have to constantly fear that the cab will break somewhere on the road. Comfortable transport always on time, clearness and possibility to order transport in advance – this is what I consider a huge benefit.

What can make you distracted, on contrary?

It happened a few times in the past that the taxi I called was a few minutes late and due to that I was also late to my appointment. Of course, nothing like price discounts or apologises from the taxi driver were offered. This can make me really irritated. I am annoyed also when I am not able to catch a taxi. Fortunately, the services of the majority of taxi companies, including Bratislava Airport Taxi can be ordered in advance what is, considering my hectic lifestyle, a really big benefit.

Photo source: Archive Stanislava Hricová

Friday, March 20, 2015

Známa fotografka Stanka Hricová: „Pri výbere taxi služieb dám na referencie.“

Fashion fotografka Stanislava Hricová je pre svoje fotografické umenie (nielen) na Slovensku veľmi dobre známa. Na svojom konte má viac ako päťdesiatku titulných strán časopisov, nádherné fotografie v piatich kuchárskych bestselleroch a pravidelne fotí najznámejšie slovenské celebrity, vrátane speváčky Márie Čírovej, herečky Zuzky Fialovej či moderátora Martina „Pyca“ Rauscha. Niet divu, že pracovné skúsenosti, jedinečný štýl práce, ako i vrodený talent,  ju zaradili do slovenskej fotografickej elity.

Stanka je umelcom telom i dušou a medzi jej najväčšie záľuby patrí okrem fotografovania i cestovanie. Rodáčka z Banskej Bystrice okrem nášho hlavného mesta okúsila i život na Ukrajine, v Grécku a aktuálne býva spolu s priateľom vo Švajčiarsku. Kvôli pracovným povinnostiam a rodinným väzbám však na Slovensko pravidelne cestuje, pričom ako dopravný prostriedok na/z letiska veľmi často využíva práve taxi. Aj preto sme jej položili niekoľko tematických otázok.
Stanka, taxi služby, vzhľadom na svoju prácu a aktuálne bydlisko, využívaš pomerne často. Na čo pri ich výbere dbáš?
Priznám sa, že vo veľkom dám na referencie. Ale tak je to už dnes pomaly vo všetkých pracovných oblastiach. Aj ja získavam mnoho klientov na základe referencií. Starostlivosť o zákazníka netreba podceňovať a hlavne neradno zabúdať, že zlá reklama sa šíri oveľa rýchlejšie, ako tá dobrá. (smiech)
Čo je pre teba pri výbere taxi služby dôležité?
Jednoznačne kvalitný servis, PRESNOSŤ, komfort a samozrejme cena. Je neprípustné, aby som nasadla do taxíka, ktorý smrdí po cigaretovom dyme a každú chvíľu sa doslova triasla, že sa po ceste rozpadneme. Pohodlná doprava vždy načas, čistota a možnosť objednania si dopravy vopred vnímam ako obrovské plus.
Čo ťa naopak dokáže rozhodiť?
V minulosti sa mi niekoľkokrát stalo, že mnou zavolaný taxi niekoľko minút meškal, kvôli čomu som na stretnutie prišla neskoro i ja. Úľavy z ceny či nebodaj ospravedlnenia zo strany taxikára som sa samozrejme nedočkala. To ma vie naozaj nahnevať. Rovnako ma dokáže rozladiť, ak taxi neviem zohnať. Našťastie, služby väčšiny taxi spoločností, vrátane Bratislava Airport Taxi, sa už dnes dajú vopred objednať, čo je vzhľadom na môj hektický životný štýl veľká výhoda.

Zdroj foto: Archív Stanislava Hricová

Sunday, March 1, 2015

You will love this way of transfer immediately

A nightmare that hits the mind of nearly everybody when travelling abroad. Buzzing alarm but you do not hear it, your car is still in the service, you are not able to get a taxi and you either miss your plane or, in the better case, you catch it at the last second. One more reason why to think in advance.

airoplain landing airport

A business trip abroad which can be e.g. a Vienna Bratislava transfer has for a long time been not only the issue of employees and management of big multinational companies. It is just the opposite. There are more and more people participating every year on various international congresses, seminars and fairs. Also the number of agreements concluded by business partners outside the place of your permanent residence is increasing every year. If you are familiar with the facts stated above, you will definitely agree that in such cases one really has to take care about every detail. And transport is one of them.

Comfortable solution without risk

If you find travelling with your own car or by public transportation means too uncomfortable and you have bad experience with looking for taxi cabs for the last moment, we know about one solution. The so called „Airport taxi“ services are being used more frequently recently. This is a means of transfer when you are picked you up on the given address, in the time agreed in advance and you are transported directly to the place of destination. Manager Juraj is one of the satisfied clients who used to deal with issue How to get from Bratislava to Vienna airport quickly and reliably before every business trip. „Business trips abroad are an everyday routine in my life. On regular basis I had to experience the stress related to early arrivals to check-in, but, thank God, I do not have to experience it anymore. I use the top-class airport transfer for my permanent Bratislava Vienna transfers that works on the basis of a taxi service and there is nothing to complain about.“

Why is this type of transfer becoming more and more popular?

Significant benefits are brought along not only by the Vienna airport – Bratislava transfer but also by a taxi service to other, farther destinations. Apart from the price that is in case of electronic transfer orders incomparably lower than using the services of taxi cabs standing and waiting directly at the airport entrance, the client does not have to take care about parking, fatigue behind the wheel or filling up the tank. Multicapacity cars or microbus or bus are a matter of course in case of a higher number of people being transferred.

If, in the future, you shall think of how to get from Bratislava to Vienna, recall our article. You will see how quickly and efficiently you can get rid of some absolutely needless concerns. And, what is even better, with maximum comfort, security and discretion.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The customer is always on the first place for us

Each of us has definitely been in a position when the purchased products or services did not meet the (normal) expectations at all. With Bratislava Airport Taxi, the market leader in Bratislava airport transfers, you will have nothing similar to fear for sure.

People unsatisfied with vendors´ services are not a rare phenomenon in our region. The product you can return or you can file a complaint but the situation is more complex with services. This is also the reason why it is good to choose a verified vendor in the case of whom the risk of dissatisfaction with the services provided can be significantly eliminated. 

The client on the first place 

Our client, our master. This is a representation that should be valid for every entrepreneur. Although it can be different in many cases in real life, you can still find companies for which the client is on the first place and the satisfaction of their clients takes the priority. We proclaim with pride that we belong to these companies. 

Our company is the best choice for everybody who travels regularly abroad and searches for reliable, secure and quick transfer to the Vienna airport, possibly to Budapest or Prague. The clients who use our services regularly already know that our professional drivers with long-term experience as well as the excellent state of our car fleet and the price guarantee are in our case a matter of course.

Travelling without stress 

With us you do not have to fear that Bratislava Vienna transfers or contrariwise Vienna Bratislava transfers will change to a fight for time leading to being late to important business meetings. It is just the opposite. The electronic order sent via our reservation system directly on our webpage is a guarantee that you arrive to the place of destination on time, comfortably, without stress, with adequate reserve time. Every client who uses the transfer services of Bratislava Airport Taxi – the specialist on Bratislava - Vienna taxi and back - will find a reliable partner in us for whom it is always and in every circumstance a priority to feel good about the work executed on a maximum quality level as well as your satisfaction with the services provided.