Think of the time reserve
Before sending your booking from our web page, bear in mind a sufficient time reserve. We recommend to develop a timetable of your trip. If you cannot afford any delay and you need to be on the place strictly on time, you need to think also of possible traffic restrictions that can extend the time of transport what can cause that you may not get to the place of meeting on time. Our drivers drive safely, they observe the traffic regulations and they do not exceed the maximum speed limits. Should it happen that you are going to be late for the meeting with the driver due to any reasons, please, let us know about it on our telephone line: +421 903 853 359.
Be friendly to the interior of the car
Let your luggage and suitcases be loaded in the car always by our drivers in order not to cause any damage to the car by accident. If you travel with children take care that they do not damage the interior of the car with toys and that they do not disturb the driver during the trip with excessive noise. If you travel with your pet, please, keep it in a transport cage.
Bear in mind that other people will travel in the car after you. Smoking and food consumption in the car is prohibited for this reason.
Check your personal things
When entering the vehicle, please, check that you have all your personal things with you, as e.g.: your personal documents, tickets, reservation papers from the hotel. You can save time and money with an early check. wishes you a pleasant journey.